Monday, September 17, 2012

September Stories

"Accidental Mondays"

I woke up this morning with a killer headache, and, dragging my feet, got ready for work. I took an Advil and left in plenty of time, hoping to feel better soon.
"Hi Anita,"said my boss when I got there.
"Today's your off day. Remember we had to change the schedule?"
Oh, yes, now I remember.

"A Real Dad"

I picked up my grandchildren yesterday to spend the afternoon with me. After lunch at McDonald's and a trip to the park we went to the nearby military post to get my grandson a haircut.
While we were waiting a soldier walked in pushing a baby stroller. When he sat down for his haircut, his two-month old daughter started whimpering. He reached into the diaper bag for her bottle and started to feed her while the barber cut his hair. After a few minutes one of the ladies who worked there took over the bottle feeding. It was the sweetest thing!

"Real Courage"

I met a retired nurse recently who truly inspired me with her own story. She had dropped out of school with only an 8th grade education, married and became the mother of five children. Many years later she decided to take her GED test. She passed the English part, but failed the Math portion of the test. Advised to take a manufacturing job at a local factory, she balked and went home to study, determined to get a passing grade. A week later she retook the test and passed! When her youngest was three years old and the oldest 11 she enrolled in college and eventually, nursing school, retiring after 30 years. And this from a shy and uneducated black girl who refused to give up. Now that's what I call courage.

"Porch Cleaning"

"The River"

After our trip to the barber shop and a side trip to get ice cream, the grandchildren and I drove down to the Tennessee River. They played on the playground and explored the boat dock. After a busy afternoon three very exhausted kids were ready to go home.