Saturday, July 22, 2017
My daughter and I recently drove up to Nashville to see the "Downton Abby" exhibit of many of the clothes and costumes worn during the series. It was at the Cheekwood mansion, and my first visit there. It was a beautiful day and we arrived early to walk around the gardens before the heat became too unbearable. We took the self-guided tour through the many rooms of the mansion where the clothing was displayed.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Growing up in my era we didn't take a lot of pictures. Of course, there were the school pictures, which I dreaded, and Mom rarely bought because they were so hideous. And then there were the obligatory holiday pictures with the siblings in front of the Christmas tree, but not a lot of random photos were taken. With marriage and children I became the photographer in the family and always had my Kodak 35 mm camera handy and the photo albums filled up fast. Still, we didn't take as many pictures as people do today with their smart phones. After going to a visitation of an old neighbor of mine I realized you can't ever take too many photos. Because those photos leave a legacy of love and family. And one of these days those photos will hold the memories of your loved one. So take all the pictures you want.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
The World
The world goes on
and people get up
day after day
and go to work, go to the market
the doctor, the dentist,
to get their oil changed
and hair cut
and meet old friends for lunch
They stop at red lights
turn on their lights in rainy weather
wave at their neighbors
and stop for yellow school buses
they go to church on Sundays
and choir practice on Wednesday nights
Bible study once a week
say grace before meals
say the rosary if they are Catholic
believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ
The world goes on
the war continues
and yet we will vote again, soon
and try to make sense of the world
as we pay our taxes
take out home equity loans
and build a compost bin in the back yard
doing our part to help the environment
The world goes on
as our children grow up
and we grow old
our grandchildren learn to walk,
start kindergarten and lose their baby teeth
and start to ask grown-up questions
Who is God?
Why did Grandpa die?
Where is heaven?
We read stories about the three little pigs
and Cinderella, but they are smarter than we are
and the questions get harder.
And suddenly, one day,
we cannot hide the gray hair
nor put off that knee replacement
and we wonder where did the years go
where are all the people?
What happened to them?
The faces in our scrapbooks and photo albums
in college yearbooks
and class pictures
from decades ago?
The world goes on
and people get up
day after day
and go to work, go to the market
the doctor, the dentist,
to get their oil changed
and hair cut
and meet old friends for lunch
They stop at red lights
turn on their lights in rainy weather
wave at their neighbors
and stop for yellow school buses
they go to church on Sundays
and choir practice on Wednesday nights
Bible study once a week
say grace before meals
say the rosary if they are Catholic
believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ
The world goes on
the war continues
and yet we will vote again, soon
and try to make sense of the world
as we pay our taxes
take out home equity loans
and build a compost bin in the back yard
doing our part to help the environment
The world goes on
as our children grow up
and we grow old
our grandchildren learn to walk,
start kindergarten and lose their baby teeth
and start to ask grown-up questions
Who is God?
Why did Grandpa die?
Where is heaven?
We read stories about the three little pigs
and Cinderella, but they are smarter than we are
and the questions get harder.
And suddenly, one day,
we cannot hide the gray hair
nor put off that knee replacement
and we wonder where did the years go
where are all the people?
What happened to them?
The faces in our scrapbooks and photo albums
in college yearbooks
and class pictures
from decades ago?
The world goes on
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Grandchildren Stories

I always say that grandchildren are cheap entertainment. Out of the mouths of babes come the most profound or funniest sayings.
Four of my grandchildren spent the night with me on New Year's Day. They were out of school until today, January 4th.
My eight-year old grandson, 'Luca,' loves to draw. His favorite character is Charlie Brown and Snoopy. One of his presents was the Charlie Brown book, the 1960's edition (which is the one he wanted). They have them for the other decades, as well.
On New Year's Day, after breakfast, he wanted to go to the library.
"Honey, the library is closed today because it's a holiday."
"Oh, man! I wanted to check out "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy." he replied.
"Where did you hear about that book?"
"Charlie Brown. I figured if he could read it, so could I."
Luca loves history (like his grandmother) and is also a sentimental child. Since he lived with me for almost three years, he was looking through a dresser drawer where I saved a lot of his baby items. His little blankie with the bear head wasn't there.
"Nemaw, do you know where my blankie is from when I was a baby? That was my favorite."
"No, you probably took it with you when you and Mom moved. It may be put away in a box."
"Do you think she could find it if I called her?"
"Why don't I buy you another one if it's that important to you?"
"No, it wouldn't be same. I had that from the time I was a baby."
I think the blankie is in there somewhere. |
My younger granddaughter, "Mae-Mae" was looking through a picture album of her mother and aunt when they were children, Five-year Mae-Mae was asking lots of questions. She asked about her grandfather, who is in heaven, and wanted to know all about him.
When I was doing something else she brought me the album to show me a picture.
"Look, Nemaw!" "There is Grandpa standing in front of God." It was a picture of my husband taken in Crete many years ago. I have no idea where that came from, but it warmed my heart.
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A picture of my husband when he went to Crete while he was in the Army. |
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