Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"I Had a Choice Today"

I had a choice today
to feel sorry for myself
or wake up with a smile

I had a choice today
to speak with anger
or stop a careless word

I had a choice today
to break a promise I had made
or keep my word and follow through

I had a choice today
to lie, cheat, or to deceive
or be honest and tell the truth

I had a choice today
to hold myself in high esteem
or humble myself before the Lord

I had a choice today
to turn my back on someone who needed me
or bend over and help them back up

I had a choice today
to speak words of hatred
or speak encouraging words

I had a choice today
to nurse a grudge and carry a chip on my shoulder
or forgive as the Lord as forgiven me

I had a choice today
to wish that I was someone else
or accept the person God wants me to be

I had a choice today
to cry bitter tears for things I cannot change
or hope for a brighter future

I had a choice today
to reject my faith and turn my back on God
or accept him fully in my heart

I had a choice today
Did I make the wrong choice?
 Or did I choose the right way?

I had a choice today
because it's never too late
to get down on your knees and pray


c Anita M. Ashworth 2010


Rita said...

A very lovely poem! Love it! Have a happy Mother's Day!

GretchenJoanna said...

Yes, and with God's help, may we make that choice minute by minute to accept Him. Thank you, Anita.