Saturday, May 7, 2011


This is for the mothers who are sleep-deprived, stumbling in the dark to change sheets in the middle of the night when a child is sick.

This is for the mothers who wake up at dawn to bake cookies or brownies for snack day at school.

This is for the mothers who yell at their children and hide in the bathroom while they wipe the tears from their eyes.

This is for the mothers who practice spelling words while washing the dishes.

This is for the mothers who clean up after the puppy, tackle loads of laundry, and make it to all the soccer games.

This is for the mother who saves every homemade Mother's Day card, and crayon drawing from their child.

This is for the mothers who read to their children.

This is for the mothers wno stay at home or work outside the home because a mother's shift is 24/7.

This is for the mothers who learn how to text, so that they can communicate with their young adult children.

This is for the mothers who are not perfect, but whose love for their children is perfect.

This is for the mothers young and old alike, who will tell you that being a mother is the most important job she ever had.

Happy Mother's Day!


Barbara said...

That is so lovely, thank you, and have a very blessed Mother's Day, be a blessing to some one else too.
Hugs Barbara

Janet, said...

Such a wonderful post. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day.

GretchenJoanna said...

I'm in there somewhere. :-) Thank you, Anita!

Kuki... said...

Something for all of us to relate to...beautifully written!